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CBD benefits

CBD benefits

Benefits for the body
Also known as CBD, cannabidiol is a natural compound that has been
creating more and more buzz in recent years. For anxiety
management, as a sleep aid, or even as a remedy for disease, many
people are using it. CBD contains around 104 active ingredients,
which are also known as cannabinoids. These are extracted from the
cannabis or marijuana plant with the help of special processes.
The best-known component of the cannabis plant is THC – a
psychoactive component that intoxicates the user. However, CBD is a
non-psychoactive ingredient. Many positive testimonials are
encouraging more and more people to buy it, while others are looking
for confirmed information about the benefits of the well-known plant.

Use for pain relief?
More than 5,000 years ago, hemp was already used to treat pain –
whether acute or chronic. By numerous scientists, this extremely
positive effect has now been confirmed. CBD has a strong influence
on the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
The ECS is responsible for basic functions such as sleep, appetite,
immune reactions, hunger and even pain perception. CBD oil affects this system by influencing the activity of endocannabinoid receptors and neurotransmitters, and has been shown to reduce pain.

Reduce anxiety?
An anxiety-reducing effect has been found, according to a number of
recent studies in subjects after taking cannabidiol. It seems to be
particularly effective for social phobias and may also help with post-
traumatic stress disorder as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder,
among other conditions.

Aside from that, scientists found that taking hemp oil as a preventative
measure can also reduce nervousness during public speaking. In a
2011 study, 24 test subjects were given CBD as well as a placebo
preparation 1.5 hours before a simulated performance. Those subjects
who were administered the hemp oil experienced far less nervousness
and anxiety and performed quite better on the simulated stage.

Hemp oil has antipsychotic effects
In CBD oil, in addition to its pain – and anxiety-relieving effects,
antipsychotic effects have also been demonstrated.
Among other things, animal studies have shown that CBD has a
similar effect to synthetically produced antibiotics. Cannabidiol can
also counteract human psychosis. In some cases, CBD is used to
treat mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, in addition to typical

Use to alleviate depression?
Among the number one common disease, depression can have a
particularly strong negative impact on a sufferer life. Conventional
medicines and psychotropic drugs are usually used to treat
depression. However, CBD could also, according to recent studies,
demonstrably lead to an alleviation of the disease.
The CBD a positive effect on people with mild depression revealed
several studies. Furthermore, accompanying symptoms such as
insomnia were improved.

CBD for acne
More than 10 percent of the American population suffers from acne.
However, various studies suggest that it is possible to help this portion
of the population with CBD.
Acne is often triggered by genes, bacteria, an overproduction of talc,
as well as inflammation under the skin. Since CBD is anti-
inflammatory, it not only reduces the formation of cytokytes, but also
reduces the production of excessive sebum.

Other benefits
CBD has other health benefits in addition to the previously mentioned

Antitumor effect
Neuroprotective effect
Improves heart health
Reduces symptoms of diabetes
Pain relief
Chronic pain
Muscle pain
Spinal cord injuries
MS Pain

Research is being conducted in these areas:
Alzheimer’s disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
There is good empirical evidence

Studies are investigating the role of CBD in cancer treatments:
the prevention / reduction of cancer cell growth

alleviating symptoms and negative effects of cancer treatment
the alleviation of inflammation