We, at Cannaboss Inc. import the highest quality, highest value medical cannabis products and distribute them to dispensaries, clinical facilities and to the end user.

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Cannabis on prescription

Cannabis on prescription

In April 2016, the German government initiated the first steps for an
important change in the law, and on January 19, 2017, the Bundestag
finally gave the green light: The Narcotics Act is to be modified to the
effect that seriously ill patients without alternative therapy options will
in future be able to have cannabis medicines prescribed by a doctor,
with the costs then being reimbursed by the statutory health

Since all alternative therapy options have already been exhausted and
a slowed course of the disease or improved pain symptoms of the
patient can be predicted when using cannabis is the prerequisite for

The hurdles for the approval of so-called medical cannabis are now
lowered by the current change in the law. Until now, it was necessary
for those affected to present the need for treatment with cannabis,
document their illness and their previous therapy. In the bill that has
been passed, an exceptional approval by the BfArM will be
dispensable in the future.

Reimbursement by the statutory health insurance was also not
possible. Now, those who have statutory health insurance will also be
entitled to reimbursement from their health insurer. The only condition
is that the insured must agree to participate in accompanying

However, the cultivation of cannabis on own remains prohibited.